The DeWinter Group

Get Ahead of the Game with your Recruitment Strategy

Understanding the Needs of a Working Mom: Advice for Employers from Two DeWinter Group “Super Moms”

Being a mom is tough. It's even more stressful when you are a full-time professional. The DeWinter Group’s Partner, Derek DeWinter, recently sat down with two of the company’s “Super Moms” to understand what matters most to moms before, during, and after[...]

5 Recruiting Stories We Only Wish Were April Fools’ Jokes

In honor of April Fools’ Day, I decided to take a break from posting motivational quotes, jobs we are working on, and career advice articles to highlight something a little more humorous from the world of recruiting. Have you ever been in a situation where[...]

Leveraging Third-Party Consultants to Optimize Cloud-Based ERP Deployment Strategies

The number of companies rolling out cloud-based ERP deployments continues to increase in the Bay Area. Here’s why you should consider leveraging a third-party consultant to assist you throughout your deployment. By: Ryan Tweedy and Jeff DeHart, Managing[...]

2017 DeWinter Group Market & Salary Analysis

When Leaders Should Let the Team Lead

By: Jeff DeHart, Partner, DeWinter Technology

What California Hiring Managers Need to Know About California’s New Compensation History Law

The DeWinter Group’s Don Seeley and Employment Attorney Jenn Protas answer your biggest questions regarding updates to the upcoming enactment of California’s compensation history law As the Bay Area’s leading accounting, finance, and information technology[...]

A take on the bigger question - Will AB-168 improve demographic wage gaps?

An inside look at the recent enactment of AB-168 and the Bay Area’s accounting and finance profession By: Mike Tomasello, Founding Partner, DeWinter Partners

The Value of Networking: An inside look into the DeWinter Group’s most recent happy hour

What is the value of networking? Over the years, our team at the DeWinter Group has worked with thousands of accounting, finance, and information technology professionals seeking to advance their careers. Time and time again we are asked one of two questions:[...]

A Hiring Manager’s Guide to ‘Finding The One’

5 things to Look For and Avoid in an External Recruiting Partner By: Ryan Tweedy, Partner, DeWinter Technology

Change: Developing Professional Relationships Throughout Your Career

The importance of developing professional relationships throughout your career. No, your LinkedIn network of 5,000 does not count. By: Mike Tomasello, Partner, The DeWinter Group

Building Solid Morning Habits to Tame the Chaos of Recruiting (or any profession for that matter)

The day to day of agency recruiting for finance, accounting, and information technology professionals can often be chaos. Here are essential tips to improve your productivity and reduce the stress of multitasking. by: Tom Woodward, Managing Director, DeWinter[...]

Our Perfect Recruiter: Jerry Maguire

What are our values? Utilizing the Lessons in Leadership and Integrity of Jerry Maguire. “I will not rest until I have you holding a Coke, wearing your own shoe, playing a Sega game *featuring you*, while singing your own song in a new commercial, *starring[...]

2016 Bay Area Finance & Accounting Salary Survey


Interview with Sandra Clark, LinkedIn Guru (Session 2/2)

David Sullivan is a Partner at the DeWinter Group, the largest boutique Recruiting & Consulting firm focused on Accounting, Finance & IT in the Bay Area.

Interview with Sandra Clark, LinkedIn Guru (Session 1/2)

David Sullivan is a Partner at the DeWinter Group, the largest boutique Recruiting & Consulting firm focused on Accounting, Finance & IT in the Bay Area.

Millennial – Get off My Lawn!

by Derek DeWinter, Parter at The DeWinter Group